We began at Berkshire Microgreens by growing microgreens for our own consumption knowing they are probably one of the healthiest foods on the planet – so full of nutrients with less calories and containing four to forty times the nutrient value of their parent growth, depending on the species. To begin our introduction to this pastime, hobby, occupation, whatever one would call it, not knowing where it would take us at the time, we had to purchase all kinds of things. As you may guess it was quite an outlay as it was all new to us – trays, seeds, coconut coir, and lots of other items. It became apparent that there was a gap in the marketplace that may well suit us.
We set out to create a range of JUST ADD WATER trays that came with everything needed to start growing your own microgreens, at a favourable price to see if you would like to continue. For this range just 3 minutes a day you could at least try. The JUST ADD WATER range is not a DIY kit, it is literally as it states. You simply remove the cover and just add water. All you need to know is printed on the back of the label.
The JUST ADD WATER range comes with its own tray, coconut coir, seeds, a compression layer and instructions. It is heat shrink sealed and depending how you store it, will last for several years before you need to use it. It would be great for presents, gifts, or just to give to someone to sample growing their own produce.

We thought this would be a great idea so set about creating this line of produce. It was an obvious progression to bulk buy the products required and did just that having now also the components and materials to not only make our project cheaper to sell but also to be able to sell follow on materials so that you could also grow cheaper. For more on these products visit our product and information pages.